Stacy None2018-04-17 03:08:50
Network administration
Stacy None, 2018-04-17 03:08:50

How to bind a domain to a dedicated server correctly?

I bought a dedicated server and a domain on reg.ru
In support, I found a billion articles on how to link a domain to hosting. None of them work!
I use isp manager 5
The problem is that I cannot bind the domain to the same dedicated server. I can bind by creating a domain in the "Domain names" section, but then phpmyadmin stops working, which is located at the link xx.xx.xx.xx/phpmyadmin, and when I delete the domain, php works again.
People tell me please how to properly bind the domain to the server? How to set up those damn DNS?

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2 answer(s)
Ruslan Fedoseev, 2018-04-17

hire an admin

Igor Vorotnev, 2018-04-17

Domain DNS should look at the server's IP address, that's all.
The rest is configured at the level of the web server (Apache, Nginx etc) - it must "listen" and accept all requests to its IP, and determine by the domain name from which folder to take files. In the same way, it can give certain files only by IP. Or maybe not to give - how you set it up. Most likely, this wonderful ISP Manager automatically disables pure IP processing when setting up a domain. How to fix it - search in its docs or add " ispmanager " tag to the question, maybe there is someone who understands it. I personally do not use (and do not recommend) any control panels, especially on basic VPS, for several main reasons:
- their configs are often inadequate (average for the hospital)
- customize these configs for yourself - sheer hell
- extra "moving parts" that need to be maintained and updated (including security), configure, study, etc.
- using the socket you yourself you're doing a disservice by forgoing the opportunity to learn all the parts of the stack and learn how to do it "the smart way".

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