Alexander2014-08-28 14:22:19
Alexander, 2014-08-28 14:22:19

How to avoid memory leak in nodejs?

I am writing a spider on nodejs, I am faced with the fact that it constantly eats more and more memory. I tried to make it as simple as possible, this is what happened:

var humanize = require('humanize')
  , request  = require('request');
function fetch(url, c) {
  request(url, function(err, resp, body) {
        if (err) {
        c(err, resp, body)

function callback(err, resp, body) {
    var memory = process.memoryUsage();
    console.log("Memory usage: " + humanize.filesize(memory.heapUsed) + " / " + humanize.filesize(memory.heapTotal));
    fetch('http://google.com', callback);

fetch('http://google.com', callback);

After launch, 8.57 MB / 17.77 MB is used, and after 20-30 requests it is already 13.09 MB / 45.71 MB.
Why is this happening and how to avoid increasing memory consumption?
PS I tried to write through events, essentially the same callbacks, but just in case. The result is the same.

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Taratin, 2014-08-28

read paragraph
node --nouse-idle-notification --expose-gc server.js

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