PlastMove2015-11-05 14:02:12
PlastMove, 2015-11-05 14:02:12

How to ask the right question about the cost of software development?

Good afternoon.
I wanted to know how much time and money it would take to make the desired program from a spherical freelancer.
He described the necessary functionality, but it was removed with the wording "this is a task, not a question."
Therefore, I’m wondering how to ask the collective mind about this so that there is no description of the functional (such as TK, yeah), and how to formulate a question that does not have a direct offer to contact for a job, so that it does not induce such thoughts in anyone.

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5 answer(s)
Alexey Ukolov, 2015-11-05

Do not ask, such a question, by definition, a task.

Zelimkhan Beltoev, 2015-11-05

Alexey Ukolov correctly told you that such a question is a task, since in order to give you an approximate cost, and not the cost "from the ceiling", you need to get a grasp of the TOR, evaluate the amount of work + overlays for testing.
Only after that it is possible to estimate the approximate number of hours that will be spent on development (the assessment of technical specifications will also be included in this number).
Now, in fact: you offer developers to spend a couple of hours on you for free, so that you are aware of what price to bend on freelance exchanges. And what kind of reaction do you expect, except for the removal of such a question-assignment?
There is only one way out: we go to the freelance exchange, put " The price is negotiable"and we are waiting for cost estimates from freelancers, we derive some average cost based on offers

Saboteur, 2015-11-05

PlastMove : Let's do this. I have a wall of about 4 meters, and a ceiling, well, somewhere more than 2 meters. I need a wardrobe with 4 doors and a mirror. Tell me how much it costs.
Do you think you can just take and answer this question without doing work on measurements, on design, on the selection of materials, on a specific calculation of the cost of cuts based on the original blanks?
What you are asking is a task, just understand it.

Vladimir Martyanov, 2015-11-05

The answer is that it is not correct to ask it here. Because the schoolboy Vasya will answer "pizot rubles", they will call him a moron, they will say that it costs 5000. Freelancer Petya will come and start advertising a freelance exchange and so on. And then two dozen people will come running, whose opinion will not coincide with the opinion of the previous ones, and then the throwing of bad-smelling people will begin.

Spetros, 2015-11-05

So are you performing or looking for a performer?
In the first case, evaluate from the cost of your hour and the total labor intensity.
In the second, you need to draw up a detailed TOR and evaluate the complexity of its implementation.

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