NickelFace2019-02-20 15:04:45
Google Sheets
NickelFace, 2019-02-20 15:04:45

How to apply a formula to an array of strings so that the display is displayed in the cell on the right?

How to make automatic insertion of the current time in Google spreadsheets when entering data in an adjacent cell? This topic was covered in this question, but not quite.
When talking about an array, it throws an error in the value #ЗНАЧ!.
=ЕСЛИ ( F9:N9<>0 ; ТДАТА (); " " )
Google climbed and did not find the answer, so I turn to you.

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Ivanov, 2019-02-25

Most likely, we are talking about applying a formula to a range of cells or an array of data. To do this, use the ARRAYFORMULA formula in Tables.

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