Rasul Gudantov2018-02-26 18:21:54
Rasul Gudantov, 2018-02-26 18:21:54

How to add the same description for all products?

Can you tell me how to make a description for each product?
For example: now the products have no description at all. And I want to register the same description for all products. The description is in the tabs under the product photo.5a942608dacaa050883643.png

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2 answer(s)
Rasul Gudantov, 2018-02-26

As a result, I implemented it in this way: I inserted this hook into functions.php

add_action( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'my_add_description', 9 );
function my_add_description() {
  global $product;
  echo '<span class="title-description"> Купить '.$product->get_title().' можно в компании ООО "Компания".</span><br />';

Unfortunately, I did not understand how to display this code in tabs.

Sergey Kalina, 2018-02-26

Update in the database, wp_posts label by type prodact like.

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