Eugene2014-07-17 15:59:20
Eugene, 2014-07-17 15:59:20

How to add some features to Ubuntu Server that are disabled in OpenVZ distributions?

I'm renting a few OpenVZ VPS's and it so happened that Ubuntu Server distributions disabled two features that are available in the "native" distribution and that I would like to have at my disposal. Specifically, we are talking about technical information that is displayed at the time of entering the console (processor load, memory usage and other characteristics), as well as an auxiliary function that "suggests" which package to install when a launch request is entered, but such a package is not present in the system. Please tell me what needs to be installed in the system in order to get such features?
Thanks to!

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1 answer(s)
Alexander Karabanov, 2014-07-17

sudo apt-get install bash-completion to make auto-completion work sudo apt
-get install command-not-found to show which package is missing

[email protected]:~$ landscape-sysinfo
  System load:  0.03               Users logged in:       1
  Usage of /:   10.7% of 32.57GB   IP address for vlan24:
  Memory usage: 18%                IP address for vlan20:
  Swap usage:   0%                 IP address for tun1:
  Processes:    98

  Graph this data and manage this system at:
[email protected]:~$

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