nzim2013-04-23 13:47:45
nzim, 2013-04-23 13:47:45

How to add pronunciation of English words and sentences (TTS) to the site?

Let's say there is a page and it has a word\sentence, next to each is a play button. When pressed, the voice engine says that word/sentence. The implementation is similar to topenwords , quizlet or lingvo .
Question: how to add the pronunciation of English words and sentences to the site so that the voice acting itself occurs with a voice engine? At the same time, it's free, of normal quality, and preferably not with the help of the site's resources, although you can use them too :)
I tried free text-to-speech engines, which, moreover, allow you to download a finished mp3, but the quality there is frankly terrible.
Of the possible solutions for reproducing words, the topenwords method is quite suitable - it takes the database of words from Google's www.gstatic.com/ , but it's not clear how to implement this from scratch?

<embed src="http://topenwords.ru/player/player.swf?file=http://www.gstatic.com/dictionary/static/sounds/de/0/accent.mp3&auto=no&sendstop=yes&repeat=1&buttondir=http://topenwords.ru/player/buttons/negative_small&bgcolor=0xffffff&mode=playpause" quality="high" wmode="transparent" width="15" height="15" align="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">

I didn’t come up with a way to reproduce the proposals, only paid solutions (they reproduce quite well). There are other options?
ps Of course, there are options to simply fill in words / sentences, but they need to be borrowed from somewhere ... and there is no automation, I want flexibility in the pronunciation of texts.
pss If the question is stupid, do not judge strictly, I'm not a programmer)

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2 answer(s)
Alexander Wolf, 2013-04-23

Try using google.
To do this, send a GET request in the following form:
Where LANGUAGE is the language (for example, ru), and STRING is your phrase.

Keyten, 2013-04-23

There was also a js library with tts (port compiled by Emscripten).

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