Vadim Popov2018-10-16 12:29:33
Vadim Popov, 2018-10-16 12:29:33

How to add Placemark to yandexmapkit using vector drawable as image resource?

Good afternoon everyone, I'm using yandex mapkit 3.0, I'm trying to add a vector drawable icon

mapView.getMap().getMapObjects().addPlacemark(new Point(geoPosition.getLatitude(), geoPosition.getLongitude()), ImageProvider.fromResource(this, R.drawable.ic_geolocation));

The image is not displayed, if you use as a png icon, then everything is fine
mapView.getMap().getMapObjects().addPlacemark(new Point(geoPosition.getLatitude(), geoPosition.getLongitude()), ImageProvider.fromResource(this, R.drawable.somePng));

mapkit from Yandex does not support this version of images for labels? Logcat doesn't throw any errors.

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1 answer(s)
Toxu4, 2020-07-27

If still relevant:

private fun drawMyLocationMark(it: MyLocation) {
        val view = View(requireContext()).apply {
            background = requireContext().getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_place_24px)

            Point(it.latitude, it.longitude),

MyLocation - data class with coordinates
R.drawable.ic_place_24px - svg drawable

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