Toly2016-11-27 12:49:49
Toly, 2016-11-27 12:49:49

How to add NSButton button to NSTokenField?

I want to add a button in my application in the NSTokenField field, for example, something like this:
That is, in NSTokenField there is a plus sign button that should perform some action, for example, a pop-up menu with a choice of tokens that can be added to the NSTokenField field.
I created a button programmatically and added it to NSTokenField:

NSButton *button = ];
[button setButtonType:NSMomentaryPushInButton];
[button setBezelStyle:NSSmallSquareBezelStyle];
[button setTarget:self];
[button setAction:@selector(action:)];
[formatTokenField addSubview:button];

the button was added normally:
but when I try to enter characters in the NSTokenField, the input area overlaps my button:
Please help me figure out how to correctly add buttons to the NSTokenField and what needs to be done so that the input area does not overlap the added buttons (could you provide code examples). Thank you all in advance.

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2 answer(s)
Petrushka, 2016-11-27

Maybe it will be easier to write your own class?

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