Andrey Shubin2018-05-15 08:13:37
Andrey Shubin, 2018-05-15 08:13:37

How to add dynamic attributes to a Django model?

Question like this - Django - what is the best way to bind multiple elements to the model (it is not known how many)?
But I would like to be able to set the data type of the field - number, string, time.
What is the best way to do this? Add a field with a data type (so that there is a select in the admin panel) + write custom validation depending on the data type and store everything in a CharField.
Or are there better ways? How well will Django-eav fit here and what are the pitfalls when working with it?

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1 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2018-05-15

EAV is the only way this can be implemented. The pitfall is that EAV is always a sign that a relational database is being misused. Plus, it's damn slow.

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