Boris Belov2016-01-07 18:37:24
Boris Belov, 2016-01-07 18:37:24

How to add an ad block to the sidebar of a page?

In the layout, on the right side,
the latest posts are displayed in the column, I will organize them through the widget class-wp-widget-recent-posts.php.
I found an example of what needs to be done here
How to combine lines of code to get the desired result? For in the example, there is an ad block output among the text of the post, and I need among the output of the latest posts
An example of a similar idea on the same toaster, on the right where the MOST INTERESTING FOR 24 HOURS, there are ad blocks.

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1 answer(s)
Борис Белов, 2016-01-13

Кому будет нужно! fairheart.ru/wordpress/dopolnitelnye-plaginy/rekla...

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