Sasha skeys.shop2019-06-27 02:51:10
Sasha skeys.shop, 2019-06-27 02:51:10

How to add a note to a variable product?

Good hour.
Please tell me, I'm scratching my head.
In a simple product, there is a section Extras > Note.
After the client buys it, a note is automatically sent to his email - this is very convenient with virtual goods.
But what do I do when I have a variable product?
There is no such thing. I want that if a client bought a variable product, a note of this particular variable product was sent to him. Is it really possible to implement it somehow?
I tried to do it with downloading, I wrote in the "name" what needs to be sent - it works, but it's not beautiful because the same name comes to the email without indents, just in plain text + it is highlighted in blue and clickable due to the fact that there is a link for transition.
I am even ready to thank well the one who will help on an individual basis.

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1 answer(s)
Mikhail Kobzarev, 2019-06-27

You need to add a custom field for each variation. An example is here or here .

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