Antonio2018-06-14 13:41:32
Antonio, 2018-06-14 13:41:32

How relevant is the idea of ​​creating an analogue of "toster.ru" for a particular city?

Good afternoon!
There is an idea to develop an analogue of the toster.ru project, but only for a certain city, so that people living in this city can find answers to their questions, for example: "Where in the city of N to pass a medical examination?", "Where is it better to relax?" etc.
The idea of ​​implementing a Q&A service is not new. But will it be in demand for a city with a population of 600 thousand. Human? Will the project take off?

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6 answer(s)
Maxim Fedorov, 2018-06-14

Recently, 2GIS closed such a project - "issues in the city" or something like that, the project was designed for Moscow and Novosibirsk and it did not go, there are more than 600 thousand people in them,
I really want to note - they have project managers, managers, programmers , marketers... you understand what I mean (hint - PHOTO :)

Evgeny Panin, 2018-06-14

Conduct customer devlopment.
Talk to typical people in your city and ask when and how was the last time they looked for answers to questions and what kind of questions they asked.
Just don’t say a word about your service and don’t make any offers. Otherwise, you will program them and they will respond as you tell them. It is important to know their pains, not yours. After all, it is for them that you want to create your own system.
If each of your interlocutors points out the same problem, then you can think about creating a service.
Interview at least 10 people.
And carefully: only real VERY STRONG pains are needed.
Ask something like this: when was the last time you passed a medical examination? How it was? (listen carefully and write down everything step by step) What was the most uncomfortable thing? What annoyed you the most?
If all respondents point to the same problem, then consider that you have identified the pain.
Get ready for surprises, because people often hurt not at all what you think

GavriKos, 2018-06-14

Hamsters will not register on your service - they already have accounts in social networks, and usually there are groups for VO in cities.
The toaster is a narrowly focused resource, and therefore the norms.

romanu418, 2018-06-14


Victor P., 2018-06-14

As for me, the toaster has all the prerequisites to become cool, but this service is not universally popular. If you look at some mail.ru Q&A, at one time it was bigger and more popular, but it sank into some kind of bottom and was safely forgotten by all search engines. The toaster is highly specialized, so it will always have its own audience.
In any case, doing such a project is not very difficult, it's definitely worth a try.

SagePtr, 2018-06-14

It seems to me that a group in a social network popular among vegetables like VK or classmates will be much more relevant.

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