Mark Rosenthal2014-07-30 16:49:14
Search Engine Optimization
Mark Rosenthal, 2014-07-30 16:49:14

How realistic is the promotion of a business card site?

Gentlemen, I have never done SEO, but I still wondered how difficult it is.
As an example, I took a small business card website of three or four pages.
I read a couple of articles, but mostly the articles advertised some kind of optimization tools. I'm not going to use google adwords and yandex.metric - it's expensive. Can meta tags really help with this?
I hope for the answer of professionals.

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1 answer(s)
Alexey Lebedev, 2014-07-30

Depends on the product. And from competitors. Promoting shovels is easier than promoting diets. But people are less interested in shovels.
Meta tags are bullshit. They influence, but they are not enough.
First you need to create a good site:
1) design, the more the user spends on the site, the better. behavioral factors.
2) advertising it in targeting, or buying links. Without this, usually nothing.

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