Doi19002021-09-14 14:19:45
IT education
Doi1900, 2021-09-14 14:19:45

How often do you have to update knowledge and how wide is the development?

Hello. I am not an employee of the IT industry, however, I am interested in the following (and since there are experts on this forum, people who really understand all this, I think you should look for the answer here) - they say that programmers, especially those who work in the field The frontend should be constantly learning something new, all sorts of updates are coming all the time. Actually - how often do you have to learn something new? Every day? For how long? I ask this because I get the feeling that, for example, a programmer works a job, and then comes home and studies something new for another 2-3 hours. Well, then sleep. Is this all true or not?

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8 answer(s)
Julia Bedrosova, 2021-09-14

I spend on learning something new more than 2-3 hours a day after work, because everything is interesting to me, not only in the field of my specialty, but also around, this is such a lifestyle. Most of my friends and colleagues also spend more than 2-3 hours a day on self-education. I think cause and effect are reversed here. It's not that being a programmer requires constant self-study, but people who enjoy learning new things often become successful programmers.

Saboteur, 2021-09-14

You always learn something new, maybe not every day, but it also depends on the project.
A new project - there can be many new technologies, each one will take a whole virtual life.
An old project - you can delve into the nuances and study what you use, with the change of versions it can change either slightly, or it can cause avalanche-like changes in the project, because either what you used is deprecated, or you used something without really understanding , and here the changes have touched so that you have to figure it out thoroughly.
The bottom line is that yes, so often you have to study something and clarify old knowledge that it becomes a habit.
And you are already studying even that which you do not immediately use directly. And not even necessarily in the field of IT.
But it helps and broadens the horizons and understanding of architecture.
Inquisitive programmers remain at the level of stable junior - average mid.

mkone112, 2021-09-14

that, for example, a programmer works at work, and then comes home, and studies something new for another 2-3 hours

That's what any decent specialist does.
they say that programmers, especially those who work in front-end

No difference. Fronts can also sit on some ancient extjs for decades without updating knowledge at all.

Yuriy Vorobyov, 2021-09-14

Everything depends primarily on the person.

they say that programmers, especially those who work in the front-end field, must constantly learn something new, all sorts of updates are coming all the time
- this statement is partly false, if you want to remain a sought-after specialist (in ANY! area), - you need to develop and learn something new. The other side of the coin is burnout, you won’t be able to constantly study, of course, there are unique ones, but this does not apply to everyone, there is also personal life, family, hobbies (not related to development).
Is there a "problem" of constantly improving skills in IT? - yes, does everyone sit all night long after work and learn something new? - no, of course, no one is iron, today he sat and taught - tomorrow he rested or taught something in another area of ​​\u200b\u200bhis work.

Armenian Radio, 2021-09-14

A programmer is too broad a concept, you know, people, and all people are different.
The programmer works in a competitive and dynamic market that forces him to improve his skills and abilities.
If you do not do this, you can just get covered in moss - at the time when he solves problem X with tool Y in 1 hour, his shopmate solves X with tool Z in 10 minutes. Consequently, he will have more free time to either relax or earn even more.
Consequently, the lack of training reduces your personal freedom of choice in terms of tasks that you can solve, jobs where you can get a job and other opportunities (including financial ones)
The choice of "do I need to study" depends on how much you like to have freedom.

Dmitry Alyoshin, 2021-09-14

Working in IT is always getting new knowledge. This area is extremely flexible and rapidly changing. Roughly speaking, if you are a taxi driver, then you do not need to constantly monitor driving trends, you just do your job. In programming, it won’t work once to study and score. Trends are constantly changing, which is why you have to learn all the time, keep your finger on the pulse of events, etc.
It happens that a person, purely by his nature, is not suitable for such work. Then it is better for him not to go into programming at all and choose a profession where standards do not change so often. For example, some applied areas such as seamstresses, confectioners, etc.

Alexander, 2021-09-14

Constantly, but little by little

Во Front-end все очень быстро меняется. Среди программистов есть мем, что каждый день появляются новые JavaScript фреймворки. А фреймворк - это большая и сложная программа.
Но почти 100% этих фреймворков никогда не станут популярны. Во всём этом зоопарке есть тройка (Vue.js, React.js, Angular.js) и ещё парочка менее известных на которых все и пишут.
Моды, технологии и тренды меняются. Но фундаментальные вещи (JavaScript, HTML, CSS) - нет.
Крупные обновления JavaScript, HTML, CSS выходят редко. Да и количество нововведений не такое-уж обширное.
Помимо JavaScript, HTML, CSS есть ещё "must have" штуки.
Т. е. технологии, без которых никуда не устроиться.
Вот тут да, тут их много, они, порой, головоломные.
Но появляются тоже не быстро, но, в отличии от мусорных фреймворков, не уходят в небытие, а накапливаются.
пример must have
Например, с развитием веба появилась проблема - файлы с кодом большие слишком, это неудобно.
Сказано - сделано, появились сборщики. Вы им скармливаете кучу файлов, а они вам отдают один.
Вы этот один на сайт и вставляете.
А если надо что-то менять, то меняете один файлик из кучи и опять собираете. Называется webpack.
Проекты усложняются, кода много. На сегодняшний день ни один сайт с каким-либо мало-мальски сложным функционалом не делают без сборщика.
Всё, теперь сборщик - это must have. Разных сборщиков много, управлять ими нужно по-разному.

Когда выходит "что-то новое и горяченькое" я жду и смотрю. Если технология набирает обороты и не гаснет какое-то время, то можно детальнее изучать вопрос.
От момента "вылупления" до попадания в реальные проекты бизнеса могут пройти годы.
Но самое главное, в большинстве случаев, новые инструменты созданы не для пыток, а чтобы упростить вам максимально жизнь. Зубрить обычно не нужно. Сегодня новые инструменты выглядят примерно так: "установите вот это, в консоль пишите вот это. Всё, теперь у ваш проект автоматически делает то и то"

Puma Thailand, 2021-09-14

no, this is how an underprogrammer managed to go around half the world and nothing, and I sleep more a day than all the non-programmers I know, and I also study more than everyone else.

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