ziky2018-01-01 20:15:30
ziky, 2018-01-01 20:15:30

How not to become a script kiddy?

How not to become a script kiddy?
It's interesting to get the fundamental theory on metasploit. And what books in Russian would you recommend for gaining knowledge in this area?

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4 answer(s)
Rou1997, 2018-01-02

1. Study in detail everything that you use. Then you can use everything.
2. Explore yourself.
It's all.

Sergey Gornostaev, 2018-01-01

Do not use other people's exploits.

devalone, 2018-01-01

Learn theory: computer architecture, networks, programming languages ​​and all that.

Dmitry, 2018-01-15

Install Kali and similar ones and read English-language sites on programs and scripts that are included in the distribution. Then test platforms for legal hacking and develop by reading about current vulnerabilities and methods for finding them... The path is difficult and long, but the first step is important!

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