IvanIF2022-01-05 20:33:32
Search Engine Optimization
IvanIF, 2022-01-05 20:33:32

How much money and time do you need to invest in a website to quickly promote it?

There is an information site on fishing topics. Until now, it hasn't progressed. As a stub, there is 1.5 years. By behavioral factors, it is 2 heads higher than competitors. How much money do you need to invest in this site in order to quickly promote it, for example, up to 100,000 uniques per month? Of course, no one can say for sure, but let's assume...

Fishing topics (especially among information sites) still remain low-competitive. For requests with a frequency of 5000+ per month, the same type of young (< 2 years old) blogs filled with advertising crawl out to the top. Articles on such sites are often not copyright texts, but low-grade copywriting with a whole ocean of water.

If you invest in the promotion of an information fishing site, for example, 150,000 rubles, is that enough to promote it to 100,000 uniques per month? I understand that it all depends on the skills of an SEO specialist. BUT could local SEOs evaluate the ratio of the budget - the result?

There is also the issue of timing. If you invest 150,000 rubles per month, then how soon you can achieve results (5,000 uniques per month, 10,000, 25,000, etc.).

Are there SEO specialists here who would like to take on a similar project (150,000 rubles - the project budget, which does not include the SEO specialist's fee)?

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3 answer(s)
Puma Thailand, 2022-01-06

Not enough, there are not so many people interested in fishing
. In addition, the further you live, the less new people will be attracted.

Eugene Moldovanu, 2022-01-07

If you have a stub = means a zero site without traffic and articles.
With good quality articles, you need about 100-200 articles at a cost of 50 rubles per 1K characters, articles on average 5-7K. Registration is about 100 rubles, prepare 40 rubles under the TK.
The average cost of an article is from 500 rubles, the total content is needed from 50K-100K rubles
. For reference from 20K.
For terms of about 2 years.
Few people will undertake to promote, since with an average income of 5K rubles per month with 1K daily traffic per day, even with a ready-made site, you will not have enough money for a seo specialist.

George Iskari, 2022-01-10

Don't waste your energy on this. You better sell the site. Colleagues above correctly laid out everything.

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