bro-dev2017-04-28 07:51:03
Network administration
bro-dev, 2017-04-28 07:51:03

How much load can a PC with a static website withstand?

How much load can a PC with a static website withstand? Just a modern computer at home with an external ip, the site just gives html.

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4 answer(s)
3vi1_0n3, 2017-04-28

A more or less modern computer will withstand such a load that you will most likely run into the bandwidth

Sergey, 2017-04-28

Ask the right question. You can keep a site, but what kind of load do you expect? What iron do you have? Ancient stump on ide or core i5 with SSD?

Site Developer, 2017-04-28

The PC and the provider may not withstand the attacks that will go into the world when this PC is opened :)
Moreover, you will pay more for e-mail than cheap (or even free) hosting costs.
But perhaps even before that, "special uncles" will come to you, since most of the attacks will be successful, and your home PC will become a botnet node through which they will break banks, send spam, post child porn, etc.

Viktor Taran, 2017-04-28

The channel will go down first, it is very small.
for example, 100 megabits in Moscow, the minimum client speed is 30, therefore 3 people is already 90.
That is, 5 parallel downloads kill your channel in a hill, but in fact it will only sag.
Now the IO number of files reaches up to several hundred, but everything is bad with disk accesses.
Copied when realties 100 files in parallel or in turn?
The same will happen with IO disks, they will simply start to give 100kb per second. thus coming to a standstill.
Well, at the same time, the percentage can be loaded by 20%
. The latter is solved by ssd, which remove this problem in order, and you will most likely hit the channel bandwidth again.
Well, if there are requests to the database, access to files, etc., in general, any transaction.
Then everything will be even sadder.
And your page will withstand that couple of thousand people without problems, I think it will withstand 3-5K people a day without problems.
But then it all depends on the page itself.

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