drmarten7032015-03-12 16:02:54
drmarten703, 2015-03-12 16:02:54

How much does it cost to write a messenger on average?

Here is a question for filling:
I come to the studio like this and say, they say I need to file a messenger.
Initially, the functionality is simple
- registration in one click (without being tied to the phone)
- the ability to upload an avatar to the profile
- general chat + private conversations for an unlimited number of people
- the ability to configure deletion of messages after a certain time
- ios platform, android, Windows
Yes, and you need a website. So that a person can communicate not only from a gadget, but also from a computer.
And it all worked together. From an iPhone, from a computer, from an android - as a single system.
estimate the approximate cost of development

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2 answer(s)
DGolubets, 2015-03-13

In order to learn Scala and the accompanying stack, I have been writing a chat service for the last year (if interested: ChatFarm ). I didn’t keep an exact count of my time, but offhand I spent 500 hours in the evenings. What was included in it:
I formulated the task for myself by analogy with Disqus chat to do - for embedding in other applications and sites.
You have a goal - your own messenger, which is easier (for example, you don’t need to share data in the database by applications, you don’t need to isolate the widget, etc.) - throw off 200 hours. But, in addition to the web, you also need to write clients for mobile platforms, well, let’s say for a month for each each.
We get 800 man-hours. And then the office will multiply this for you by its favorite coefficient and calculate it at its own rate :)
Sorry that in hours, not in money - I can only do this)
And yes, maybe there are offices that already have it on stream and faster.

Puma Thailand, 2015-03-12

to optimize the config, run pgtune, it will give a more or less optimal config.
enable query log then run pgfouine over it then optimize queries or cache them

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