pup_pupets2016-05-22 20:36:53
pup_pupets, 2016-05-22 20:36:53

How much does codereview cost and what is the output?

Suppose you are doing a project and there is little knowledge, but the project grows. It turns out a lot of lousy code. How much does it cost on the market now for the services of a person who would come, look at the code and say - this is bad, this needs to be rewritten, but this is not how it is done? And in general, are there such services or where to read? I don’t understand what else they give at the exit, they just poke where something or directly sit down to fix it themselves.

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8 answer(s)
Yaroslav, 2016-05-22

For "poke your nose", I think you need to pay one amount.
For "fix" you need to pay separately another amount.
The price varies depending on the level and experience of the inspector. Can pull from a couple of bucks an hour (Indian expert consultant) to 50 bucks and up.
In fact, a specialist sells his time, regardless of whether he writes code, checks or develops architecture.

Maxim Kudryavtsev, 2016-05-23

Cover the code with tests and release to production what we have now.
Then, even if you have a bad application architecture there, this will allow you to refactor it over time, without collecting all the pitfalls over and over again.

atis //, 2016-05-22

Average development price from 1000p a day (8 hours). Consider.

Puma Thailand, 2016-05-22

usually a person with a level to review the code is pretty good at programming.

spotifi, 2016-05-22

Code review is something else.
This is when, before releasing your program in production, it is reviewed by another programmer.
But this is done in small pieces.
Made a small change.
Released to production.
And what you want is not a code review, strictly speaking.
This is a general assessment of the project's architecture - it's expensive.
Take your hourly rate and multiply by 3-5.

Alexey Kozlov, 2016-05-23

Everyone can "look at the code", but to see most of the jambs there - you need to hire a real specialist. These are usually already recruited with good money and they don't have time for your code.
If you just need to catch stupid jambs that are not visible to the "blurred" eye in your own code, then the easiest way is to team up with a fellow programmer and look at each other's code.

dmitriy, 2016-05-23

run through https://scrutinizer-ci.com
will catch some of the errors

Zaporozhchenko Oleg, 2016-05-23

It's not entirely clear from your question why you need it.
If the project has grown so much that its further development is impossible, then you just need a reviewer and it will cost a lot of money. From 1500r per hour if you're lucky.
If you want to be sure before releasing a product. that everything will work fine, better cover the code with tests.
If you just want to improve the quality of the code and gain experience, then there is a gem https://github.com/whitesmith/rubycritic which will point out a lot of errors. I also have a series of articles on my blog that describes the most common mistakes of a novice rails developer c3gdlk.ru/blog/rails/ruby-on-rails-samye-rasprostr...Some of them are just recommendations, something like a style guide. Some make the code and approach much better.
In the architecture itself, follow a simple rule - A very thin controller, there is no business logic in it. A slightly thicker model, it only serves to access and work with data, it also has no business logic.
All logic in so-called "Services" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service-oriented_arc...
Good implementation example to look into - https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq

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