Vyacheslav_N2020-05-29 12:56:36
Web development
Vyacheslav_N, 2020-05-29 12:56:36

How is the phone number of site visitors determined?

I went to the website of the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development, after a while they called me, they said that I was interested in them and offered their services. How did they get the phone number? Cookies are excluded, the browser does not save them and does not store history. The same story was with the LCD head liner website. Maybe the provider (house ru) transmits information?


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8 answer(s)
granty, 2020-05-29

Cookies are excluded, the browser does not save them and does not store history.

1. Have you heard of evercookie ? What about Web Fingerprint ?
The hacker lists a lot of ways to store an ID on your computer without using Cookies and cache, and Web Fingerprint technology allows you to store a digital fingerprint of a computer, a browser on a bank server: Fingerprinting a specific PC with 99.24% accuracy , even changing the browser does not save.
If you are a bank client and logged into his Internet banking, he can easily identify you using the same browser and the same computer.
And if you have an Internet banking application installed on your mobile, you are generally under the hood :)
2.If you surf the Internet while logged into Vkontakte / Yandex, then through backdoors in their API you can determine your profile and all your data.
The Social Phishing website works on this principle.
The bank itself can also use social phishing and put an invisible iframe on its menu, and when you click, you will automatically log in through an account, for example, Vkontakte. Knowing your ID on Vkontakte, your phone is easily recognized, their bases are regularly merged and sold
. PS: It is impossible to find out exactly how you were "leaked" and how - without studying the specific situation.

Всё вышеперечисленное - детский лепет по сравнению с тем, какие возможности имеет Google (и, частично, Яндекс с Apple).
У всех дома стоит точка WiFi, к которой коннектится ваш комп и мобильник с Андроид. Через мобильник Гугл знает все номера телефонов, которые подключаются к этой точке доступа (и все аккаунты соцсетей в которые вы логинились с мобильника). Поэтому когда вы лезете Хромом с компа через эту же точку доступа - Гугль уже знает, что это вы (или один из ваших домочадцев). По GPS на мобильнике он знает даже адрес вашего проживания с точностью до подъезда.
Так что мы все давно уже добровольно "чипованы", чего удивляться что о нас всё известно.

Developer, 2020-05-29

The question should be asked to those who call and demand an answer to the question about the leakage of personal data, how they got to them. They know where they got their data from, so it's important to trace the chain and put the villains in jail.

Andrey Gavrilov, 2020-05-29

Most likely just a coincidence.

d-stream, 2020-05-29

One of the first results of the query "how to determine the phone number of a site visitor" - How does admeo.ru find out the phone number?
well, in the same place in the issue - advertising of services that sell such services

Anton R., 2020-05-29

NO WAY. All unauthorized calls are PROHIBITED, and are punishable by hefty fines.
And so there is a technology that determines a person's social accounts. networks and thus can snag a phone number, but such tracking technologies are severely punished by search engines, it is very easy to grab a permanent ban in search results if you use it.

Alexander, 2020-05-29

You admit the possibility that you indicated your phone number somewhere, right? This site/service has cleverly saved your ID linked to the number. Further, the interested party (bank, ), having access to such BigData (there are special services that aggregate this information) identified you with probable accuracy and they called you.

Melonwatr1, 2020-05-30

They found out through Facebook if you went to the social network from their page

Vitaly B, 2020-06-20

Maybe here https://m.habr.com/en/post/345852/

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