Daniel2542015-01-23 20:27:19
Ruby on Rails
Daniel254, 2015-01-23 20:27:19

How in Rails, when creating one model, take data from other models?

I want to create a table where the data of automobile tires would be stored. Tires have parameters such as name, load index and speed index. The indexes themselves and their corresponding values ​​are stored in two other tables.
There are three models.

Tire: (belongs_to :load_index; belongs_to :speed_index)
LoadIndex: (has_many :tires)
  index:integer (Тут индекс нагрузки)
  value:integer (Тут значение нагрузки, соответствующее индексу нагрузки)
SpeedIndex: (has_many :tires)
  index:string (Тут индекс скорости)
  value:integer (Тут значение скорости, соответствующее индексу скорости)

Is there some easy way to create a Tire instance knowing only the index value from load_indices and speed_indices and not knowing the corresponding speed_index_id and load_index_id?

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1 answer(s)
Viktor Vsk, 2015-01-23

There is.
And if you need something else, arrange the question in code blocks and describe the task normally (for example, in more detail)

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