jesteracer2010-10-06 23:10:40
jesteracer, 2010-10-06 23:10:40

How in Kohana with templates?

I have known Kohana for 1 day, used CI before. I can’t immediately find (understand) is there a parser implementation similar to CI for view?

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3 answer(s)
Chvanikoff, 2010-10-06

Ahem… I didn’t work with CodeIgniter (I wrote it correctly, didn’t I?), but I did with Kohana. And maybe I could help with the answer if I understood the question.

aktuba, 2010-10-15

For me, the <?=$title?> construction is much more convenient than {title}, but for taste and color ...
If this is critical, you can use the after method in Template and process it manually (you get an analogue of CI). And you can fasten a normal template engine ...

Fellowship, 2014-05-06

Kohana has many different implementations of templating engines... Personally, I use twig

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