Artem00712018-09-09 15:11:25
Network administration
Artem0071, 2018-09-09 15:11:25

How easy is it to switch from hosting to VPS?

Good afternoon!
At first, as I think everyone else, I created sites on my knee, and then simply dragged files to the hosting in separate files and folders
Then I found out about FTP and life became easier
Then I learned about git and SSH and life became even easier
Now I think that this is not enough for me and I need to start dealing with VPS (or is it too early?), but I don’t understand where to start
. As soon as I try to read something, there are immediately a bunch of different operating systems that are not clear how different, some kind of a bunch of different settings, parameters. There's so much to it that you just don't know where to start
. Yes, I probably understand your feeling "it's so simple, what a dumb question".
I may have the same feeling when I am asked about the banal transfer of folders to hosting, but earlier even this really was something cosmically magical, so please treat with understanding and help understand this issue
. The basic technology stack that I use is php( Laravel) for the backend and vue for the front

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1 answer(s)
sim3x, 2018-09-09

Calculate your time and money costs before such a move
- how long will it take to learn: ubuntu - nginx - RDBMS - php-fpm - memcache (using any magic such as panels, scripts that you did not write yourself will only delay learning)
- how will be done backups
- how will you return after a global hack of everything and everything
- how many clients will you lose during the transition
- think about how you will resolve the sending of mail
- think about whether it is possible to simplify / improve everything without moving
- what will the move give in terms of saving time / resources / increasing hourly rate / etc.
I would not advise moving until you have clear answers to such questions
Which does not negate the fact that you can transfer blogs and other resources to VPS and learn from them

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