myxasa2017-10-19 12:14:21
myxasa, 2017-10-19 12:14:21

How does the tax arrive?

Everyone says that if you freelance, then the tax office will get to the bottom - how does it do it?
anyone faced this?
you sit like this in your shorts and the cops are knocking on your door?
how does it all happen?

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6 answer(s)
Boris Korobkov, 2017-10-19

If everything is clear to the tax authorities, they will simply charge the tax. Sometimes penalties and fines.
If everything is not clear, they will send a notification by mail with a request to come to them and explain what is not clear. If you don't show up or you can't convincingly prove your point of view, they will charge you the maximum.
Do not pay the accrued - the bailiffs will come. To begin with, they will block your accounts, then your driver's license, prohibit travel abroad, and only then they will come home to describe the property and sometimes even evict you.
Theoretically, the tax office can conduct an on-site audit at home. For example, to make sure that buying an apartment from your own aunt is not tax evasion, but really a purchase, that is, the aunt moved out of there, and you moved in. Knock, politely ask. If you let them in, they'll drop in and leave. If you don't let them go, they'll go to court. Or they will simply accrue to the maximum and already you will have to run around the courts.
"The cops are knocking on the door" - this is already in a criminal case on an "especially large scale." For example, when How to transfer a large amount without IP?

Don Gan, 2017-10-19

who needs you with your pennies...

Vlad Petrov, 2017-10-19

And what is the problem with opening an individual entrepreneur: it’s good for a pension and you don’t need to be afraid of anyone.

Ivan, 2017-10-19

As mentioned above, they are unlikely to come to visit you, but they can "take you by the ass".
But in order to avoid insinuations, an individual entrepreneur is opened and a Patent is bought (well, or just pay for a simplified one).

Evgeny Reshetnikov, 2017-10-26

All the same, you need to start over
How do you freelance? How do you get money?
If you receive cash and have not been registered anywhere as an individual entrepreneur, LLC, etc.
then the probability that they will come is 0.01%
The same probability if they simply transfer to your card as an individual-individual
If you have some non-cash settlements with clients, then the probability of verification is already higher than about 0.1%
By the way, freelancers now fall under the category of self-employed citizens
Read about it and legalize, that's all
But if you freelance over the hill and you get bucks and euros from there, then the probability of tax revenue is 10%
Especially if you completely withdraw the currency in cash and then change it somewhere at a favorable rate. You may be mistaken for a foreign agent who provides funding for anti-Russian activities.
This is serious, I didn’t get hit, but a colleague was dragged, forced to report for this money. All because he completely withdrawn all the cash in foreign currency

Maxim Kotenko, 2017-11-16

if you earn up to $5,000 a month, then you are definitely not afraid of the tax ...

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