Imbecil2015-02-18 15:08:23
Imbecil, 2015-02-18 15:08:23

How do you keep track of finances?

How best to organize consumer-level financial accounting (income / expense), so that it does not take much time and at the same time is representative - with infographics. Compatibility with Android 4.3 is also important. For some time I wrote out all the financial data manually in Evernote, but quickly abandoned this business. I think there are better practices. How do you deal with it?

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2 answer(s)
jewubinin, 2016-10-08

Not now.
Previously led.
I consider CashOrganizer to be the most convenient - thought out carefully.
It is focused on use in a smartphone, that is, all movements of money can be entered quickly into the program.

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