skyfly20102017-01-18 17:46:30
skyfly2010, 2017-01-18 17:46:30

How do you feel about infinite scrolling in online stores?

Good afternoon, wt. toasters. I have a question for you. How do you feel about endlessly scrolling pages in online stores?
Now the task is to develop an online store and it is necessary to make a choice between infinite scrolling and page navigation.
It is planned that in each catalog there will be 2-3 additional downloads. One download will display 9 items on the screen. So what do you say? Is it better to make page navigation or infinite scrolling? The question also applies to SEO. It is planned to promote both individual products and sections.

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6 answer(s)
Vlad Petrov, 2017-01-19

scrolling was always fine with me, I didn’t notice any inconvenience

Alexander Taratin, 2017-01-18

IMHO Endless loading is allowed only on entertainment sites so that people stare endlessly at cats and other funny things.
The store does not apply at all. Users will have trouble saving "to see and compare later" links and sharing links with each other.

Alexander Bublikov, 2017-01-18

Infinite scrolling is disgusting, there are still problems with returning to the list, it stupidly does not remember them, and throws them to the top of the page.

Ilya Grebenkov, 2017-01-18

I think infinite scroll is better

evg_QW, 2017-01-19

Very bad. Customers get mad and leave, bad for SEO

Andrey Kirillenko, 2017-01-19

Extremely negative!
- it's hard to save a link
- it's hard to find a product you like
- it's hard to see the footer (sometimes it's easiest to find the necessary sections, contacts, help, etc.)

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