Sergey Kikhno2019-02-05 17:29:52
Game development
Sergey Kikhno, 2019-02-05 17:29:52

How do they teach juniors in game dev, in ordinary companies ... if they teach at all?

Good day. I was interested in the following question. How juniors are trained in normal game development companies. If they teach at all. Do they waste time? Explain important things? etc. Or do they take it and wait for it to go itself?! Thanks in advance ...

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5 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2019-02-05

thrown into a ditch with crocodiles

Sergey Gornostaev, 2019-02-05

I don’t know specifically about game development, but I’m sure that there are no differences from other areas in this matter. Not only is it different in every company, but it also depends on whose neck the Juna will be hung on. Someone somewhere will give whole lectures with examples, and someone somewhere will answer "Bullshit! Redo it." and "Two attempts left before dismissal." Theoretically, the company is not obliged to train employees, and in practice, juniors do not know how to do anything until they have worked for at least a year, so it is impossible not to train them at all.

GreatRash, 2019-02-05

They give simple tasks, mostly a bug fix and digging into someone else's shit code. They explain something only if the mentor does not fall into it, i.e. it depends a lot on the team. Well, no one wants to get involved with the Junes, because we were taught to teach one, and he, take it and dump the foreigner. Well, nafig, I ask, is it necessary?

Ksenia, 2019-02-05

I myself had to learn Unity. But I'm not into gamedev (yet). At first I discussed with the same beginners, now I have no one, because I have outgrown it, and now they don’t understand my questions. Looking for a new job, now a game dev.

mamontm, 2019-08-10

If we get lucky.
If you're not lucky, you'll learn on your own. For there will simply be no one.
If the company has strong colleagues , you will certainly be pulled up. That's how human society works. People are already tempted to share knowledge (receiving psychological reinforcement at the same time in the form of awareness "how cool I am").
In short, choosing a company where everyone is a beginner is stupid.
And there are such firms - because, in principle, you can do projects on the Junes.
Well, mentally prepare that they won’t give you anything so creative / significant.
If the training is delivered correctly, you will be doing the sad work of catching bugs.
However, if you were immediately put on an independent / interesting job, you should be wary. Most likely, the company simply does not have qualified specialists and there is simply no one to entrust this work to.
Yes. Otherwise, they are stupidly unprofitable.
Beginners are already unprofitable, and if they don’t teach, they will never bring income to the company.
Learn, don't worry.
At the beginning, no.
For you simply will not drive into them, it will fly into one ear and fly out of the other.
A little later, yes.
If we are talking about very primitive work, perhaps ...
Well, they will definitely give you 0.5-2 days, even in the worst case.

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