Uno di Palermo2018-05-18 04:23:52
Uno di Palermo, 2018-05-18 04:23:52

How do "old school" programmers write: while true or while 1?

Here is such a question. And is there a performance difference? And why did it happen that in terms of semantics 1 == true? Isn't it bad to produce entities?

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7 answer(s)
Alexander, 2018-05-18

And why did it happen that in terms of semantics 1 == true?

Historically. 0 and 1, there is no tension and there is tension, lies and prada. Here from here .
Old school programmers consider zero to be false and everything else to be true.

Vasya, 2018-05-18

Old-school programmers are looking for an option not to use while(true), and also not to use continue and break unnecessarily.
Read Podbelsky "Programming in C",
C Forever

Uno, 2018-05-18

There are no old-school and new-school programmers. There are good programmers, and there are Indians.

forspamonly2, 2018-05-18

old school programmers write goto !
and true historically is minus 1. so that in the additional code all bits are set to one and bit operations can be used as logical ones.

Alexander Skusnov, 2018-05-18

there is another alternative: for (;;)

pfg21, 2018-05-18

while (1)
for "why", look for the old joke that replaced true with 0 with a very rare probability :)

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