lilandre2017-10-08 10:33:43
lilandre, 2017-10-08 10:33:43

How do I work with the Nova Poshta API?

Good afternoon. I need to make such an order form, in which, when choosing a city, in another imput, when entering a street, hints of street names will be substituted. For this I have to use the New Mail API. Documentation
I've never done this before. The request code looks like this -

"modelName": "Address",
"calledMethod": "getCities",
"methodProperties": {
"Ref": "ebc0eda9-93ec-11e3-b441-0050568002cf"
"apiKey": "[ВАШ КЛЮЧ]"

And the answer
"modelName": "Address",
"calledMethod": "getCities",
"methodProperties": {
"Ref": "ebc0eda9-93ec-11e3-b441-0050568002cf"
"apiKey": "[ВАШ КЛЮЧ]"

Where should I move?

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2 answer(s)
lilandre, 2017-10-10

It turned out that I formulated the request incorrectly.

Nikola24, 2017-10-08

As I understand it, you need to add the "FindByString": "" key to the methodProperties object, enter the city you need and send the request
. It looks like this:

"modelName": "Address",
"calledMethod": "getCities",
"methodProperties": {
"Ref": "ebc0eda9-93ec-11e3-b441-0050568002cf",
"FindByString":  Прописываете сюда город 
"apiKey": "[ВАШ КЛЮЧ]"

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