lukoie2019-11-06 04:02:03
lukoie, 2019-11-06 04:02:03

How do I remove notification about a deleted topic?

There is a notice about a topic that has been removed by a moderator.
When you click on a link, it is not marked as read and does not disappear. This topic is not in the "notifications" section.
How can it be removed from the left column?

Answer the question

In order to leave comments, you need to log in

1 answer(s)
dollar, 2019-11-06

You need to go to notifications and click "Read all". To make it easier with notifications, I have a "Clear notifications for the current question
" button in my extension . That is, if you read each question and answer in detail with comments, then there is no point in clicking on each notification, you can simply remove them, and open the comment threads at your own pace.


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