RadxBook2014-02-13 10:47:54
RadxBook, 2014-02-13 10:47:54

How do I know that the downloaded program on Google Play is already available for download?

After uploading a new version of the program (for example, version No. 2) to Google Play Alpha testing, you need to wait about 2 hours until it becomes available for download. Before that, you need to "check in" as a "tester" and download version No. 1 (to check the "update" process). After about 2 hours (time t), you need to start updating the page with the program on Google Play until the "open" button changes to "update". Push, update, test.
Now imagine such a situation that we already have version 2 in alpha testing, and we upload version 3 there. We unsubscribe from testing, upload version 1, "mark" ourselves as "tester" and wait
... )?
Since version 2 is already in alpha testing, the same "button" on Google Play will already be "update". We try to download in 2 hours, early - we downloaded version No. 2. We delete, unsubscribe from testing, load version No. 1, subscribe to testing, wait ...
We try in 2 hours 30 minutes - we loaded version No. 3. Ready.
A notification about the possibility of updating comes in about 6 hours.
Question : how to determine the time t, or how to determine before installation that version No. 2, and not No. 3, is available for download?

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2 answer(s)
itspers, 2014-02-13

You can write an extension that will update the page and see what version number is there. And output a notification.

Vasily Zhukov, 2014-02-13

Also interesting.
Another question for this thread.
How to write feedback? Or purely by ANR in Google console?

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