8bitjoey2015-12-11 13:13:11
8bitjoey, 2015-12-11 13:13:11

How do I configure lirc to handle strong interference from a 3d TV?

The TV has a 3D mode, when turned on, it synchronizes switching with glasses via the IR channel.
I used to use XBMC (Kodi) on Win7 with a Windows Media Center type remote control (externally exactly the same, but not from ASRock).
There is an IR signal reception indicator on the remote control receiver. When the 3D mode on the TV is turned on, the indicator shows continuous signal reception. However, the remote managed to get through this interference and XBMC correctly received signals from it.
Now I installed kodibuntu (lubuntu + kodi + everything you need for the media center). lirc works fine, XBMC console understands. But when you turn on the 3D mode on the TV, the signals no longer reach, butirwdoes not show anything (of course, with the 3D mode turned off, all buttons pressed on the remote control are displayed normally).
Is there some mode/configuration for lirc that would effectively filter out noise? Maybe an alternative to lirc?

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