Pavel2017-11-25 23:35:09
Internet advertising
Pavel, 2017-11-25 23:35:09

How do I calm down an attacking army of bots clicking on ads on my site?

I came across a mentally strange person on the Internet who openly wrote on the Internet that he would invest money in creating problems for me. Long story: pasha4ur.org.ua/articles/video-and-jokes/threats-d...
I repelled attacks on accounts and banks easily.
A month later, fake sites appeared on my behalf behind a bunch of proxies and clouds. I closed them. A person complained about my site, but both the registrar and the host refused. And right after sending bounces, a month began with unsuccessful DDoS on my site. The hack also failed. Then he began to pour thousands of porn comments on the site. I disabled comments (not important).
Also, a person scattered advertisements on websites and in newspapers on my behalf about the loss of documents. To be pestered by phone scammers. Unsuccessfully.
And after a while, my punisher, who does not differ in the qualities of the Govorun bird, came up with a new type of attack.
He hired an army of bots on the site (seosprint.net) to boost traffic and clicks, which clicks on ads on my site. As I understand it, they want to get my ban in AdSense like this for cheating. )
Call stupidly Russia and Ukraine. For almost my entire life, my site from these countries had the fewest clicks and views. And now there's a lot.
I don't know much about Google Analytics, but most of the visits go stupidly from seosprint.net. Another 1 large group stupidly goes to the main page of the site, which is also pointless.
But a friend of mine told me (he didn’t encounter this himself) that Google isn’t stupid and they won’t ban just like that. You can provide them with server logs and screenshots of Cloudflare that the site was under attack.
Is it so? What else can be done?
So far I've done this:

  1. I wrote to the administrators of the site seosprint.net about the attack through their service. No answer.
  2. Wrote seosprint.net to the facebook group about the attack through their service. No answer.
  3. Seosprint.net domain name registrar
  4. I set the UnderAttack level in Cloudflare to the main (through the rule), and to the entire site (then I will lower it to High).
  5. I wrote a js script for a webminer so that everyone with a seosprint.net referral would be loaded to all cores to the maximum. Let them come in less pale

My site does not slow down from this attack. It doesn't bring me any inconvenience. It even brings in some money.
If Google starts writing, then I can provide logs, copies of letters, messages and screenshots from Cloudflare.
Can you relax and not worry?

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7 answer(s)
Maxim Timofeev, 2017-11-25

What's stopping you from going to law enforcement? As I understand it, you have all the evidence of persecution on his part and threats. Just plant it and that's it.

alex maslakoff, 2017-11-26

In my opinion, you and each other conspired to promote.

Dmitry Filandor, 2017-11-25

I would immediately write to Google with the provision of logs / screenshots.
Cool, can you share?

Andrey, 2017-11-26

if ($http_referer ~* "seosprint\.net") {
return 301;

Puma Thailand, 2017-11-26

Firstly, ban the seoprint by referral, this is easily done in nginx or xtaxes.
Secondly, write a statement to the police

SEOD, 2017-11-27

I wrote a js script for a webminer so that everyone with a seosprint.net referral would be loaded to all cores to the maximum. Let them come in less pale

Why not remove ads for people with this referrer? It turns out that statistics will be cheated for free, and advertising will not be clicked.

entermix, 2017-11-26

It's easier to find a needle in a haystack than to reach out to Google support. And no matter how this attack does not bother me. So far, there is no time for all this. I'm planning on doing this next month.

Will it be easier to get through after you get a ban? I think Google has protection against such events, for example, Yandex has such protection and does not take into account suspicious clicks, but what if Google decides that you are doing this on purpose?
I think you need to tell Google that there is a similar problem.
https://support.google.com/adsense/ answer/57153
You can also try writing here: [email protected] Tell me
how you can contact AdSense support

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