parallelepipet2020-02-12 16:51:26
parallelepipet, 2020-02-12 16:51:26

How do I add a custom field to the display of the work report?

In the body of the task itself, there are certain custom fields. For example, "contact" - from the CRM plugin. Or some boolean field (yes, no).
How to display this field in the labor report. that is, tasks where the yes field is 10 hours, where the no field is 20 hours?
I met such an implementation in several implementations, and I don’t understand if this is a plugin, or is it possible to add something else?
In the example in the photo, there are two fields that I do not have (Cost Allocation Base and Case Contact Company).

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1 answer(s)
parallelepipet, 2020-02-12

As it turned out, custom fields are displayed when uploading CSV. It's not very convenient, but it's better than sorting through everything purely by filtering.

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