Vladimir2020-05-19 18:43:27
Vladimir, 2020-05-19 18:43:27

How do Caller ID replacement services work?

How do services for changing the phone number when calling (Caller ID), such as xho.ru, sip-system, black-voip and others, work?

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1 answer(s)
Andrey Barbolin, 2020-05-20

What's so amazing.
They deployed a telephony server, rented a bunch of numbers in different countries. You connect to them via SIP, they route your call and release it through their numbers, respectively, party B sees the operator's number, and not yours.
A telephony server works in a similar way in any company. When you call from an internal phone to the city, the client sees the number of the city line, and not the short internal number)

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