alagar2011-08-18 15:34:28
alagar, 2011-08-18 15:34:28

How did you get into PHP?

Good afternoon %username%, if you write in PHP, then please tell us how you got to such a life, how you came to this language and why you chose it. The thing is, as far as I know, PHP is not taught in universities, mainly JAVA/C#/C++/Delphi-Pascal. But there are a lot of PHP developers out there. Where do we come from?I'll tell you how it was with the author. At the end of 2-3 courses, I decided that it was time to pull myself together and look for a part-time job. I wanted to find a job quickly, and I don’t know / don’t remember why I chose this particular language. Maybe JAVA/.NET scared me then? I don't remember, I won't lie. Then a fateful question was asked to a fellow freelancer: “What you need to know to get a job as a PHP programmer” as a result:

  1. wrote a user registration script (html form, checks, saving to the database, editing / deleting / adding users)
  2. spent about 2 months on 2 courses from intuit.ru PHP Programming Language and Introduction to PHP5 Programming
  3. about the same amount for this book Laura Thomson, Luke Welling
    Developing Web Applications with PHP and MySQL never mastered it to the end :(

In the process of taking courses and reading, I tried to get a job in a desk, worked for about 2 months. Then, after he passed the exams in the courses and partially finished reading Laura Thomson, he got a job in another office where he worked for about 2 years. To summarize, in general, I am a self-taught person who came into the language more or less consciously, took a couple of courses and read a couple of books before starting to hack sites. In the process of work, I did not stop learning, I read habr, various articles, blogs dedicated to development, and so on. Last year I became ZCE…

In general, tell us how you became a PHP specialist.

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37 answer(s)
simplecode, 2011-08-18

PHP-shniks are not made, they are born ...

sskalmykov, 2011-08-18

For some reason, the name of the question is associated with the question “How did you come to such a life?” or as in the club of anonymous (or not so anonymous) alcoholics the question "How did you start drinking?".
I got acquainted with php when I started making websites. I made the first sites on html, then I used ready-made engines. When there was a need to do something more than just a business card site, I began to deal with cms. For some reason, the choice fell on joomla. Then I realized that I can’t shovel all this mess from the code in order to make it work quickly, and I started creating my own cms. I realized that the idea is utopian (I can't help but praise myself for it) and began to use commercial cms. Now I don’t write anything (except for some minor edits that certain projects require), because. to be honest, I used to be a coder and I write quite badly.

jj_killer, 2011-08-18

I learned it at school too. In fact, at that time there were many examples on the Internet of building sites in two languages: PHP and Perl. Perl seemed too chaotic to me, so I directed all my energy to studying "puff".
Now for 2 years I have not written in this language, more in Python. Although it is worth recognizing that PHP is much more convenient and easier for rapid prototyping and deployment, and much more predictable in production. But maintaining someone else's PHP code is a real hell.

IDDQD, 2013-04-20

I was young, naive, I needed money ...

Dobrotin, 2011-08-18

For "true *nix admins" it may sound crazy, but it was first used to automate tasks in Linux.

Ivan, 2011-08-18

I have this path :)
Basic -> Assembler -> html + Javascript -> php + db

Anatoly, 2011-08-18

Believe it or not, I passed my diploma and coursework at the 4th year in php at the university =) In general, they teach a lot of different things at the university now.

Renat Ibragimov, 2011-08-19

At my last job, I had to expand, before that I wrote in Perl, but with this it’s tight in our city, Perl developers are on the fingers, at that time freelance, put scripts in PHP, delved into frameworks, and when new people started appearing with them and under PHP has moved. I did not feel any difficulties, on the contrary, PHP even fettered after Perl in terms of freedom of constructions and solutions. But PHP has a built-in templating engine, which is simply and conveniently made by OOP, which is why, in general, it won. For a while. Now I try to write more and more in Ruby, and if for myself, then only on it, under PHP I left a niche for fast, freelance projects.

xaker1, 2011-08-18

As a self-education, I studied php. It was interesting.
Then there was BASIC (yes, yes - first php, then BASIC), and now C ++
ps The first time I tried to send - I got on the chip and Dale (

Vitaly Zheltyakov, 2011-08-18

For a long time he worked as a developer of applied banking software (I did not know about PHP then). Then the crisis - I had to leave.
Went to get a new job. The director at a new job immediately asks a direct question:
- Do you write in PHP?
I also in his forehead:
- Yes, even how.
"Then come back next week."
After the interview, I run home to see what PHP is. Since I had programming experience, I was able to learn PHP in two days. As a result, the director liked my scripting skills.
PHP itself is a very simple language, but related areas (layout and js) are complex.

Wott, 2011-08-18

as for scripting languages, I wrote most of my life in pearl, in fact, then php had just appeared and it was impossible to look at it without tears. Then somehow I moved away from the web to the enterprise and ate jsp there, but after a rather long break, my wife asked me to build a shop and a brief overview showed quite developed php, compared to the then underdeveloped python and ruby ​​(now they are at least competitors) well, away we go .
After that, the question arose about leaving work and the subsequent bummer with the promised places in the crisis in the fall of 2008. I had to feed my family, and without thinking much, I got into the stock exchanges and have been freelancing since then.
Actually, I did not study any of the languages ​​\u200b\u200bused in my work either at school or at the university (it seems that we were then taught Pascal and Fortran and something was on with in yunux, and we read a dead ostrich on our own) or later (well, why go for some moronic courses, if you start writing in any language in half an hour, but you still need to master it to the fullest six months or a year of intensive work on it). And I’m lying - I studied at chill courses - this is some kind of hybrid procedural language used in telecommunications equipment, but for the most part they gave the system itself, and the language was given in passing.

Leshiyalex, 2011-08-19

PHP is studied at our university, the subject is called "World Information Resources"

gotovsky, 2011-08-19

HTML -> Perl -> PHP

Crash, 2014-06-07

Studied PHP in college, wrote my first programming knick-knack in it. Vshtyrilo, since then it's gone and gone. Before him, there were Pascal and C, but nothing grew together with them

Konstantin, 2011-08-18

Technical College

Timm, 2011-08-18

I studied VBA and Fortran at the institute, it was not very interesting, to be honest. Then I became interested in creating websites. I came to get a job in a web studio as a layout designer, and since all the development was done in php, I started learning this language. Then I started writing modules for CMS and away we go :) True, now I started reading about C # and Silverlight

Roman, 2011-08-18

My path in learning languages: Basic -> Visual Basic -> Pawn (C-like scripting language) -> PHP -> C / C ++ -> Java
Actually, I started learning PHP after buying the book “PHP Tutorial”, I don’t remember what motivated me to do it . From the very beginning I wrote my own CMS (now I try not to look into the source code, because there is horror), and now I use php mainly for automation.

Tesby, 2011-08-19

Purely by chance I read PHP in some IT magazine: Hypertext Preprocessor - that's how I found out what it is, it was somewhere at the beginning of the last decade, but then I didn’t have a home computer yet))) since then it has passed for quite a few years, until I accidentally stumbled upon the abbreviation HTML on the net, interest took off, and then fortunately I already had my first computer, but unfortunately there was no Internet, at that time information was collected bit by bit through a dial-up connection in the local library ... to the eyeballs, a filled floppy disk was worth its weight in gold, at first the markup language was mastered, then cascading styles, followed by javascript, but as it turned out, you won’t get far on this, the Internet fell in price, the wings grew, I still had to delve into server programming ... and so on . all the time when mastering the web, PHP flashed before my eyes a lot more times than others,

AlexeyFrolov, 2011-08-19

about the same amount for this book Laura Thomson, Luke Welling
Developing Web Applications with PHP and MySQL never mastered it to the end :(

A disgusting book. Somehow I bought it and Schlossneigl: "Professional programming in php." I started with the last one, after which Laura and Luke cannot be read without tears.

Vsevolod, 2011-08-19

Calculator MK61/52 -> Basic -> Pascal -> Delphi -> PHP -> a bit of Java -> still PHP again

mclander, 2011-08-19

In my case, everything is more fun. I bought a book and read it (then it was somehow fashionable to read books on everything for which you could get a book). I made a few examples, read the forums for standard beginner jambs, entered it in my resume (I read with a dictionary) and forgot. At that time, I used HTML:: Mason to the fullest, which is “like php, only pearl”.
Then he worked as an analyst in a Large Affiliate Integrator, who made a Large Corporate Portal for a Very Important Ministry with the help of a Small, But No Less Affiliate Subcontractor ... He hesitated to hammer the subcontractors with a list of bugs, each of which they fixed or pretended to fix for two weeks. I sat down and, together with a colleague, cleaned up the BKP code for the same couple of weeks, from obvious bugs, garbage and the remnants of yesterday's dinner of old versions of libraries. Since thenI could not look at PCP for a couple of six years, although sometimes I had to.
Now the task arose to make a website for home and soul. I was about to set up a big gun (aka Catalista), then I thought ... and right now I'm sitting on the smoke of PHP anew, sorting out all sorts of Drupals ...

Vladimir Chernyshev, 2011-08-19

They asked me to make an online store. After several attempts, C ++ disappeared, choosing between PHP and Perl - I chose PHP (then still PHP3) because of its greater proximity to C-syntax.

nikita2206, 2011-08-19

And I started with html, but with puff it still didn’t work out (I think it was 14 years old), somehow I was in a bookstore with my mother, I saw books on programming, asked, bought Coggzoll. But I couldn't understand anything there, absolutely. I did not understand at all why variables are needed, etc. But interest still remained and even only increased. Then I watched Evgeny Popov’s video, after which I began to understand what was happening, and, you won’t believe it, but by the age of 15 I began to write very well (compared to the teacher, anyway) and I still didn’t become a shit coder

JannPlesk, 2011-08-19

Basic -> Pascal -> VBA -> 1C -> [ html + css + php + sql + js ]

Dmitry, 2011-08-20

In 2006, I really wanted to write something under the web. Before that, I studied C / C ++ at the university and knew practically nothing about the variety of languages ​​\u200b\u200b- I chose what to learn from php, perl and dot.net (I didn’t even hear about python and ruby ​​at that time). As a result, the choice fell on PHP, because. among my environment there were three or four people who already wrote in PHP and caught a huge buzz from it. And then I bought a book by Dmitry Koterov and panessed ... :)

esc, 2011-08-21

Somehow it was necessary to make a statistics aggregator for a dedicated server for q3. I did it in c ++, the file was re-read by the timer and the finished html was placed in the web server directory. A week after that, a roommate bought a php book (some crap, as it turned out later). He, it seems, didn’t even open it, but I became interested in a simpler way to generate html than on the pluses, read the book and began to master full-fledged development for the web. The web was hooked by the fact that it was possible to organize the communication of many people and quickly understand whether someone needed what I was doing.
I suffered until the release of php5, then it went fine.

@shuttle, 2011-08-22

In 2003 (we were 13-14 years old at the time), my classmates and I began to make their own websites on the “people” - narod.ru, and after a while I ran into the html framework. I wanted something more interactive, I started looking for solutions. It turned out funny: the first thing I came across was perl, copy-pasted “hello, world”, uploaded it to free hosting holm.ru (h1.ru then, now h19.ru :) ). The script didn't work. No matter how I tried to force it (and re-uploaded it to different folders, and set the rights), it gave an error 500.
After that I tried php, everything instantly worked.
The choice was clear. The next year I passed specialist.ru certification, I was very proud of myself :))

Arris, 2011-08-22

basic (BK1001) --> Pascal 5.5 -> Assembler -> long search outside of IT (didn't find it) -> PHP + html -> PHP + html + js (jq) --> ????

Big_Shark, 2011-08-22

Something like this: Delphi -> VBasic -> Delphi -> PHP

Petrusha Ukropov, 2011-08-22

At the university, when I was a 1st year student, I was recruiting a team to create a site for student self-government of the university. I decided to go try myself, even though I knew only HTML, and that was superficial. Then I first learned what CMS and php are. I started learning the language with the php-fusion engine, then I became interested in dle, slaed and eventually began to write modules / plugins for them.

4ikist, 2012-08-21

Own blog -> edit html -> edit css -> edit js -> edit php -> own sites -> custom sites…

Graid, 2012-08-21

I wanted to become a great and terrible hacker to hack sites, after the first hacks I realized that without learning PHP it’s not the same, later I retrained from a “hacker” into a coder.

Arks, 2013-04-20

cms drupal -> interest in html -> css -> applied javascript -> php -> java -> C++ and newfangled javascript -> ASM
It's strange that it ended like this. It's just that there is already so much code that no one thinks about the details that terahertz cycles of busy world processor frequency can save. Not because compilers were written by someone stupid or lazy, but because 30-40 years have already passed and even basic approaches need to be improved.

Alex Kheben, 2013-08-08

I came as follows:
In 2009, I wanted to start a blog. The most civilized and simple option was - put WP.
Then I wanted to change something in the WP theme.
Then I wanted new functionality that was not implemented using WP plugins.
And away we go.
I'm currently working as a PHP/JS developer ;)

Alexander, 2013-08-08

I learned about PHP back in the early 2000s from one chat admin where I hung out, who originally wrote in Perl. After switching to PHP, he was very happy.
Later, in 2007, I did not know about any better alternatives to PHP, so I bought a book and began to study slowly))

Alexey Vikhrev, 2013-11-20

PHP - what it is I learned a year after buying my first computer in 2003. Before him there was only a quorum. As a knot, I forgot about him, because my soul was not drawn to him. In my first year of university, I met a man who made "Good" sites, he told me about HTML, then I created a site on bare HTML consisting of 25 pages. Oh how long have I been doing this. Then I was given the task of adding a new page, I created them and thought that: "It would be nice if we automate this process" here I learned about PHP and that this is the easiest programming language. Before that, I studied only Besik)

Murod Smith, 2013-11-20

also C++ (at Univer) -> JAVA (at the company) -> PHP + jQuery + MySQL + HTML + (etc on web development) (from the beginning in parallel with other languages).
Just like you, “ At the end of the 2nd or 3rd year, I decided that it was time to pull myself together and look for a job opportunity ,” almost like your situation.

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