Newbie Noob2017-02-22 23:50:00
Video processing
Newbie Noob, 2017-02-22 23:50:00

How convenient is it to cut a video file without transcoding?

I am looking for a utility for cutting video files (splitter?) without transcoding under macOS.
I tried it:
QuickTime Player is close to what you are looking for, it does not recode, it just cuts, but I failed many times to adapt to selecting the required segment.
Adobe Premiere Pro - the right thing is conveniently highlighted, but you can't save it without recoding.
iMovie - perfectly selects, but also transcodes.
I'm not looking for a one-time task, I'm looking for a comfortable tool, a way.

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5 answer(s)
Saboteur, 2017-02-23

1. Video can be compressed with different codecs, some of which allow cutting without re-encoding, some do not, so the question is not in the program, but in what the video is compressed.
For example x264 codec, in order to display a frame, uses data from past and future frames. That is, it simply cannot be cut in an arbitrary place without recoding. But the old mpeg2 is easy.
The Quicktime format seems to be one of those formats too.
2. Take ffmpeg, it will handle it.

serg gtnhjd, 2021-02-05

The most convenient program for cutting without clamping SolveigMM Video Splitter. It is convenient to cut ads accurately - frame by frame and can be cut into pieces. You put marks where you need and press - cut into pieces or just cut out the pieces. It cuts any formats very quickly without recoding.

Yuri Udovichenko, 2017-02-23

To resize an image, you need to take the original frame, decode it, make changes and encode it back.
Answer: You can't do without transcoding.

Alexander Medvedev, 2017-02-23

On Windows, Avidemux successfully copes with this task.
They have a macOS version, try

Oleg Kalensky, 2017-02-24

You won't find better QT. I don’t understand how you can not adapt, given that you can cut it to hundredths of a second. Can you tell me how you cut?

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