Dima Petrov2019-12-17 15:13:34
Dima Petrov, 2019-12-17 15:13:34

How can you see in real time who the local subscriber is talking to?

How can you see in real time who the local subscriber who came through the queue is talking to?
The call came into the queue in the queue someone took the call.
how to understand with whom the incoming subscriber is talking?
if the call is made in the queue through Local, we see rinding where it went, after the answer there is no more information.

asterisk -rx 'core show channels'
Channel              Location             State   Application(Data)             
SIP/9304-000004ef    (None)               Up      AppQueue((Outgoing Line))     
SIP/475-000004ed     (None)               Up      Queue(disp,,,,100)            
SIP/496-000004f0     (None)               Up      Playback(/var/lib/asterisk/sou
SIP/566-000004eb     (None)               Up      Queue(disp,,,,100)            
SIP/9303-000004ec    (None)               Up      AppQueue((Outgoing Line))     
5 active channels
3 active calls
520 calls processed

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2 answer(s)
Dima Petrov, 2019-12-17

ats1*CLI> cdr show active

Channels with Call Detail Record (CDR) Information
Channel                   Dst. Channel              LastApp         Start    Answer   End      Billsec  Duration
SIP/*****-000006cc       <none>                                    16:50:53          16:50:55 00000000 00000001
SIP/560-000006c4          SIP/9303-000006c8         Queue           16:50:43 16:50:43 16:50:55 00000012 00000012
SIP/707-000006c6          SIP/9305-000006cb         Queue           16:50:44 16:50:44 16:50:55 00000011 00000011
SIP/656-000006c5          SIP/upsale-000006cc       Queue           16:50:44 16:50:44 16:50:55 00000011 00000011
SIP/636-000006c7          <none>                    Playback        16:50:47 16:50:47 16:50:55 00000008 00000008

Viktor, 2019-12-18

core show channels verbose
sip show channels

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