qwermus2020-07-16 16:06:29
qwermus, 2020-07-16 16:06:29

How can I see all the changes I made in a git branch?

Hello. I have a problem and I'm looking for a way to simplify the task.

For three months I worked on a big task for a project. In the course of work, I tried to break this task into subtasks and created separate branches for them.

When the work was finished and it came to moving what was done to production, for some stupid reasons it turned out that it was impossible to marge my branch with the master. You need to merge the master for yourself, branch off from it and make all the changes to the new branch.

But the problem is that the task is quite large and now it is already difficult to remember what changes I made in which file and in which branch.

Tell me, how can I see all the changes in the order they were made in the branch? To switch to each of them in turn and see what I did where and then copy the piece of code I made and paste it into a new branch.

Sorry if I didn't explain clearly. I will be grateful for help.

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3 answer(s)
Stalker_RED, 2020-07-16

So do it. Pull yourself a fresh master, switch to it, make a new branch out of it, and then merge into it the branch where you were working.
Comparing two branches is also not a problem, git diff branch1 branch2although some tool with a GUI will probably be more convenient. Is there no comparison in your IDE?

Developer, 2020-07-16

On Windows, there is a handy Git extensions tool.
There you can easily filter by commit author.
It is possible with git commands, but it will not be so visual

Vapaamies, 2020-07-16

To switch to each of them in turn and see what I did where and then copy the piece of code I made and paste it into a new branch.

To do cherrypick.
There is a very convenient GitKraken, but for private repositories it is paid.

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