LakeForest2021-08-17 19:32:50
LakeForest, 2021-08-17 19:32:50

How can I return the result from container 1 to a socket on container 2?

I want to establish a connection in the form of a chat in the demo version of the application. the user sends text, the socket receives and passes to another container, where the request can be processed for a long time. At the same time, the download icon hangs in the user's chat. If the user waited for a response, the socket connection is still working, then how the n-container finished processing the message - I want to send a response to the user's chat.
But I don’t understand how I can return the answer to this particular chat (socket connection). Conditional code:

# в container1
def syth(text):
    mel = [1,2,3]
    # отправить результат в container1
    send("wss://container1:8081/ws", bytes_audio) #### Или как???
# в container2
def gateway(data):
    post("http://container2:8080/syth", data)
# в container1
async def websocket_endpoint(websocket: WebSocket):
    await websocket.accept()
    while True:
        data = await websocket.receive_text()
        await gateway(data) #отправил запрос
        await websocket.send_text(f"wait audio: {data}")

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