Greg Plitt2018-02-27 15:58:04
Greg Plitt, 2018-02-27 15:58:04

How can I reduce the size of a photo in CSS if I don't see it in the file?

Hello! I got into an awkward situation.
I got a site where you need to reduce the background image to its original size. Like, before it was not like that, but now everything went according to layout.
Site address https://goo.gl/oh8zTe
Screenshot with a problem
In the bitrix/templates/main/build.css CSS file itself, I don’t see any mention of this background with a size of 1634px
Tell me where can I find "ends-to-ends" and fix the background?

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6 answer(s)
I'm Yoda, 2018-02-27

You can also go head on. In the buid.css file find

html.homestead_page body .section_wrap .columns {
    display: table;
    width: 100%;
    height: 645px;
    margin-bottom: 57px;
    background: #eaeaea;

and set the property height: 645px!important;
True, this is not buzzing, but still a solution!

nakree, 2018-02-27

Since this is an inline style, most likely the sizes are set somewhere in js

Pavel, 2018-02-27

In build.js code

a(["jquery","get_val"],function(a,b){a(function(){var c=a("html");if(c.hasClass("homestead_page")){var d=a(".section_wrap"),e=".resize_rooms";d.find("section.homestead").each(function(){var c=a(this),d=c.find("nav.rooms"),f=d.find(">a");!function(){function b(){a(window).trigger("resize"+e),c.each(function(){var b=a(this),c=b.find(">span"),d=c.width();b.css("width",""),b.css("width",d+h+"px")})}var c=f.find(">span"),d=parseInt(c.eq(0).css("padding-left"),10),g=parseInt(c.eq(0).css("padding-right"),10),h=d+g;a(window).on("load",a.proxy(setTimeout,null,b,1)),setTimeout(b,1)}(),function(){function c(){var b=a(window).width();i>b&&(b=i),b>j&&(b=j),b-=i,f.css("width",""),f.css("width",Math.floor(b*k/l+g)+"px")}var d=74,g=d+28,h=d+50,i=b("minWidth"),j=b("maxWidth"),k=h-g,l=j-i;a(window).on("resize"+e,c),setTimeout(c,1)}()}),d.find(".columns").each(function(){var b=a(this);!function(){var a=b.attr("data-background");a&&b.css("background-image",'url("'+a+'")')}(),require(["section_block_resize"],function(a){b.each(a)})})}})})}(),function(){function a(){var a=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,0);"string"!=typeof a[0]&&a.unshift("pages/homestead_subpage"),window.define.apply(this,a)}a.amd={jQuery:!0},/**

Sergey Zimoglyadov, 2018-02-27

Go through the source code search, most likely the height is set somewhere in js. Or in js plugin

Evgeny Kalibrov, 2018-02-27

The size is set by the script. Since the built js file build.js is already connected on the site, you need to find the lines in the source that change the size:
Naturally, the variables will have different names in the source, so search for the "section.homestead" keyword, you will see this code next to it. Apparently this is a script of some gallery and you need to look at what parameters can be set when it is initialized.

Egor Zhivagin, 2018-02-27

Look in JS, somewhere this block is processed by something. It is better to search by the name of the block/parent blocks/children/...
Only not in build , but in the source code

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