rus_webcat2014-04-17 11:17:32
rus_webcat, 2014-04-17 11:17:32

How can I open VHDX?

How can I open a VHDX image?
The image does not want to be connected in Hyper-V in any way.
And I want to get the data.
The whole problem is that this image has a UFS (FreeNAS) file system.

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4 answer(s)
Pavel Vasterov, 2014-04-17

R-Studio is generally a good program.
PS Windows works with UFS

Alejandro Esquire, 2016-08-08

Starting with Windows 8, Windows itself can open this type of file....

oia, 2014-04-17

www.oszone.net/10877/vhd answers.microsoft.com/ru-ru/windows/forum/windows_...

Alexey, 2021-12-28

maybe someone will come in handy.
if in windows you need to recover data from a fallen wsl distribution.
then copy to any place ext4.vhdx. necessarily! suddenly something goes wrong
C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Packages\CanonicalGroupLimited.Ubuntu20.04.......\LocalState\ ext4.vhdx
then you just need to double click on the image and it will appear in disk management Disk Management will display a new disk. !!! Nothing else needs to be done.
Next, download and install free-linux-recovery, find this new partition and restore everything you need.

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