jadzouh2014-08-13 09:47:07
jadzouh, 2014-08-13 09:47:07

How can I make the LED light up when a button is pressed?

I made a capacitive touch button based on the MSP430G2744. I learned how to register pressing, but there is no way to make the LED shine when pressed. I only managed to make it blink if I didn't disable the watchdog timer. It seems that it goes into reboot after reaching a certain time, and the LED flashes periodically. How can I make it so that when pressed, the LED is lit constantly, and not blinking? Assembly code is attached. Wrote in IAR.

#include "msp430.h"                      ; #define controlled include file

#define  LED     BIT0
#define  CPS     BIT1

              NAME    main                    ; module name

              PUBLIC  main                    ; make the main label vissible
                                                      ; outside this module
              ORG     0FFFEh
              DC16    init                    ; set reset vector to 'init' label
              RSEG    INTVEC                  ;вектор прерывания
              ORG     PORT1_VECTOR           
              DC16    inter

              RSEG    CSTACK                  ; pre-declaration of segment
              RSEG    CODE                    ; place program in 'CODE' segment

init:          MOV     #SFE(CSTACK), SP        ; set up stack

main:          NOP                             ; main program
              ;MOV.W  #WDTPW+WDTHOLD,&WDTCTL  ; Stop watchdog timer
              JMP    meas 
inter:        mov    TAR, r7                  ;обработчик прерывания
              mov.b  #0, P1IE                 ;сохраняем значение таймера
              mov.b  #0, P1IES
              jmp    comp

meas:         mov    #0, r7
             bis.w  #MC1, TACTL              ;установка таймера, непрерывный счет
             bis.w  #TASSEL1, TACTL          ;SMLCK
             mov    #0, TACCR0
             bis.b  #CPS, P1DIR              ;устанавливаем пин кнопки на выход
             bis.b  #CPS, P1OUT
             mov    #1000, r11
charge:    dec    r11                            ;ждем, пока емкость зарядится
             tst    r11
             jz     cont    
             jmp    charge 
cont:       bis.b  #CPS, P1IES                ;устанавливаем прерывания по низкому уровню
            bis.b  #CPS, P1IE                  ;на пине кнопки
            mov    #0, TAR
            mov.b  #0, P1DIR                ;устанавливаем пин кнопки на вход для разряда
            bis.w  #GIE, SR                    ;разрешаем прерывания
            jmp    $                               ;ждем прерывания

comp:     mov.b  #0x15, r10               ;сравниваем значение из TAR с заранее измеренным
            cmp.b  r7, r10            ;значением разряда при касании, 15 я выбрал, так как
            jl     led                  ;оно больше значения при касании
            jmp    meas
led:        mov.b  #LED, P1DIR              ;включаем светодиод
           mov.b  #LED, P1OUT
           mov    #65000, r6               
           jmp    delay
delay:    dec    r6                  ;задержка, чтобы увидеть свечение светодиода
           tst    r6
           jz     meas
           jmp    delay

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1 answer(s)
LampTester, 2015-06-11

I only managed to make it blink if I didn't disable the watchdog timer. It seems that it goes into reboot after reaching a certain time, and the LED flashes periodically. How can I make it so that when pressed, the LED is lit constantly, and not blinking?

Actually, turn off the watchdog timer ...

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