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In order to leave comments, you need to log in
How can I make the chat bot automatically respond and not after I run the file with the code?
import requests
import os
API_link = ''
updates = requests.get(API_link+'/getUpdates?offset=-1').json()
message = updates["result"][0]["message"]
chat_id = message["from"]["id"]
text = message["text"]
if text == "hi":
send_message = requests.get(API_link + f"/sendMessage?chat_id={chat_id}&text=Hi Arsen")
send_message = requests.get(API_link + f"/sendMessage?chat_id={chat_id}&text=I don`t know this command")
Answer the question
In order to leave comments, you need to log in
Make receiving updates in a loop? In general, it is better to use libraries, for example, PyTelegramBotAPI
There are libraries for this, for example, pyTelegramBotApi, and you need to write a bot using hardcode if you need maximum performance, and never store the bot's TOKEN in the code, look at what environment variables are
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