alestro2016-02-27 13:45:28
alestro, 2016-02-27 13:45:28

How can attribute output be refactored?

The database has 4 tables. The first one is attributes_group, it contains fields: id,name,sort_order. The second is attributes(id, name, attributes_groud_id(foregin key for attributes_group.id, sort_order) The third is attributes_value(id,int,str,attributes_id(foregin key for attributes.id)) The fourth is products_attributes(id,products_id(fk for products.id), attributes_id(fk for attributes.id))
, there is also this class:

class Attributes{
  private $db;
  public $group;
  public $name;
  public $value;
  public function __construct(\core\Database $db){
  public function getProductsAttributes($pid){
        'sql'=>'SELECT id,name FROM attributes_group as ag WHERE ag.id IN (SELECT a.attributes_group_id FROM attributes as a join products_attributes as pa on a.id=pa.attributes_id where pa.products_id =?) order by sort_order',
        'sql'=>'select name, attributes_group_id as id, `int`,str  from attributes as a join products_attributes as pa on pa.attributes_id = a.id join attributes_value as av on av.attributes_id = a.id where pa.products_id = ? order by sort_order',
      empty($row['int'])?$this->value[$row['id']][]=$row['str']:$this->value[$row['id']][]=$row['int'].' '.$row['str'];
    return $this;

I make two queries to the database, in order to be able to sort groups and attributes, respectively.
As a result, I get an object with product attributes and output something like this:
<table class="table table-bordered">
                                    <?php foreach($a->group as $key=>$value){?>
                                        <?php foreach($a->name[$key] as $key2=>$value2){?>
                                            <td width="200"><?=$value2?></td>
                                        <? } }?>

How can you implement all this so that it would be more kosher?

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