lukoie2016-01-25 04:27:06
lukoie, 2016-01-25 04:27:06

How and where do you maintain customer data?

See an example here. I have a customer who threw off logins, passwords for the site, domain, examples of sites that he likes, the name of the WordPress template that he likes, pictures, Word files, the names of some people from their industry (competitors / standards), etc.
How do YOU ​​systematize the data received from one customer from different sources (in person, sms, on the phone, viber, mail, skype...)?
What tools do you use to keep records?

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2 answer(s)
Konstantin Nagibovich, 2016-01-25

For such purposes, I use OneNote. Its functionality is more than enough + cloud + free.

Stone-Studio, 2016-01-26

I am using amoCRM. The cheapest version is enough, for 500 rubles a month. All customer information is here. Search, sorting, tasks, integration with the site, email, telephony. Deals, contacts, analytics! Super!

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