FomaX2017-10-14 12:56:11
Web development
FomaX, 2017-10-14 12:56:11

How and what to tell the customer that he would refuse to use wix?

How and what to tell the customer that if you need to make a good and high-quality website, you need to abandon wix? Or am I wrong?
The situation is this - the customer himself on his knee without any special knowledge made something like a site on wix. As they say, it should have been done yesterday, so there was no time to think and look for people. Now he found me, I need to make candy out of what he got. I usually do either on cms or purely on php. And for some reason it seems to me that wix will limit my ideas and the quality of the final product ...
Plus, the project is long-term, and sooner or later the functionality and capabilities of wix will not pull it ... How could I argue this .. That Big and global projects on constructors don't?

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5 answer(s)
Ankhena, 2017-10-14

1. A plan of hotels is drawn up (by the customer or by joint efforts).
2. The plan is divided into parts like "I want now", "second tier", "in the distant future".
3. The points of the plan are ticked "realizable on wix" or not.
4. Write alternative solutions.
5. You announce the time and cost of work on wix and with the help of alternative solutions.
- The customer decides whether to work with you at all and in what scenario.
- You decide whether you want to deal with such a customer at all.
7. The chosen action plan is sealed with signatures.

Ricchie, 2017-10-17

To create simple sites, the functionality of site builders is more than enough, which in terms of those. features that are part of seo.
If you are a specialist in cms, then it will not be difficult to make a candy from a blank made on a constructor, and the Wicks filling should be enough for the delivered TK. Plus, I think that if the customer wants a site on the constructor, then he understands that the system has limitations and is ready for them.
In addition, you, as a developer, will have a plus in karma for the fact that you can make websites on what the customer wants. Naturally, if you need some kind of super-functionality that is not in the constructors, then you can already offer another engine.

grmnshphrd, 2017-10-14

Depends on the site, if simple, then wix is ​​also possible. In general, let the customer decide for himself, what's the difference to you?

Pavel, 2017-10-14

limited customization options, primitive functionality paid
in my opinion is already enough

eRKa, 2017-10-14

Any customer wants to be fast and cheap. And if he decides to make a site on wix, he will look for someone who will do it for him, and not someone who will dissuade him. So he decided that the solution on this constructor will be able to solve his business problems.
If you know the customer's "wishlist" and understand that it will not be cheaper for the customer to do it on wix, then tell us what problems there will be with the implementation of specific features, show that the designer will not solve these problems out of the box.
If it's just your taste and dislike for wix, then you may lose the customer.

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