2k2mdnight2021-03-11 08:44:35
2k2mdnight, 2021-03-11 08:44:35

How and for what period to become a Junior Java?

Hello. A weighty question arose, how to become a java junior, what requirements are needed and what is better to learn at the very beginning.
While I study syntax but I do not know what to do further. Please advise, I'm very excited!
Learning by the way in JavaRush

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2 answer(s)
Orkhan, 2021-03-11
Hasanly @azerphoenix

Good afternoon.
With hard work, you can learn the basics of java in 1 year. On the other hand, everything is individual. You can learn nothing in 5 years. Everything depends on you.

Learning by the way in JavaRush

I know several developers who took courses because the knowledge gained on JavaRush was not enough at all.
To the question of what you need to study in Java, it depends on the direction that interests you. Those. enterprise or android development.
Basic program applicable to both enterprise and android:
- java core (JCF, Mutlithreading, Stream API, reflection, annotation, jdbc)
- data structures and algorithms, design patterns
- Build tools: Maven, Gradle
- VCS - git
- TCP basics / IP
- basics of OOP, SQL (ACID, isolation levels)
For enterprise:
- java enterprise (jsp, jstl, servlet), tomcat, jetty
- Spring Framework (Spring MVC, Spring Data, Thymeleaf, Spring Boot, Spring Security) REST basics
- Hibernate (ORM), HQL
- aws / heroku
- possibly different CICDs (circleci, travis)
- jira, confluence, trello
For android:
- kotlin
- Android API
- ORM frameworks (ormlite, room and possibly others)
- Firebase
Here, from here you can look at the Java Core lesson program - https://www.dist.it-academy.by/course/java-develop..
And from here you can get the Java Enterprise program - https://www.dist.it-academy.by/course/java-develop ...

approximate solution, 2021-03-11

how to become a java junk

Very long and hard work. Java is one of those languages ​​where knowledge of the base will give you little (you need it for an interview, and for knowing the subtleties - but they don’t take work with such knowledge ), everything is written in frameworks.
The algorithm is as follows:
1. Study the Java Core base and do not jump from the ship to the ball yet.
2. Decide on the stack, and the field of activity - a lot is written in Java.
3. Go to hh, see what is required from the junior / middle for the selected stack. As a rule, this will be Spring, Maven, etc.
4. Implement Git in your training ( important ).
5. Write a couple of pet projects (you will need to show something if asked, or attach it as a portfolio). According to your code, they will look at what kind of June you are.
6. Walk through the OOP (it's better to memorize - if at first you don't understand the essence), and through the main design patterns.
7. Jump on social security as quickly as possible (the most important and most important thing). For what: the skill of passing an interview will give you a chance to get into a job, even if you do not have the skills that the employing company requires, i.e., it may shoot "burning" eyes, soft skills, or fast learning / loyalty of the employer.
8. Profit.
The real term to jump to the Java Juinor position is 1-1.5 years. Up to a year - the trainee level - that is, you are hired for a very small salary, and trained in the company almost from scratch. This rarely happens, but I've seen it a couple of times.

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