belk2011-01-06 15:31:47
Google Chrome
belk, 2011-01-06 15:31:47

Hot keys to pages in Google Chrome and a good Dial in general?

Firefox has the Speed ​​Dial add-on. In addition to Dial itself, it allows you to open pages by Ctrl + Number, where the number can be two-digit. In Chrome, the combinations Ctrl + number are crammed into open tabs. Is there a Chrome extension with similar functionality to Firefox's Dial?
And a similar question: is there a Dial in which bookmarks will take up as much screen space as possible? In the Speed ​​Dial, everything (4x4) takes only a third of the window at 1024*600.

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2 answer(s)
XakFak, 2011-01-06

www.donesmart.com/sitelauncher/chrome/ here you go

XakFak, 2011-01-06

It's called SpeedDial chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/iiokoipacignlilkidmpbfcfdopijpma

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